Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

  1. Where is imperial Secondary school located !?
    Imperial Secondary School is located at Chalinze Dar es salaam -Morogoro road 118 Dare salaam Tanzania
  2. What is the phone number of imperial Secondary School?
    You can try dialing this number : +255 757 700 700 - or find more information on on our website
  3. Where are the coordinates of the Imperial Secondary School?
    Latitude; -6.8182101 Longitude; 39.2839012
  4. What is the fee structure!?
    We believe that a quality education can, and should be affordable in the short term and sustainable in the long term. We pride ourselves on being able to offer an academically challenging curriculum delivered by experienced and qualified teachers in a school and with excellent sporting facilities. Our fee levels reflect not only our commitment to cost efficiency and making education accessible to more people in Tanzania, but also a real cognizance of the current economic climate in the country and the region. We genuinely believe in trying to offer more for less, and remain committed to delivering an outstanding education at affordable prices. We offers a number of flexible payment plans for tuition fees from which parents may choose, including an annual plan, a bi-annual plan. Please enquire with us for more information on the various plans on offer.
  5. How can I join!?
    Imperial Secondary School have strived to make our admission process as simple as possible to ensure that all prospective parents/guardian enjoy a stress free application experience. Our interviews are done by appointment, you can download application form on line here in our website or call to pay us a visit.